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Investment Division Is Not A Simple Matter – Our Attorneys Know The Process

For many people, an investment portfolio reflects years of financial planning, working with financial professionals, and making strategic moves to build wealth and plan for the future. During a divorce, any money made from these investments is to be included in the division of marital assets. Just as building the portfolio was a complex and intentional matter, the characterization and division of these assets are equally complicated.

To help ensure that your rights and property are protected, it is critical that you work with a firm that is knowledgeable of such holdings and experienced in dividing these assets. At Cross Glazier Reed Burroughs, PC, our attorneys have decades of experience handling complex property divisions, working with top professionals to provide the most accurate valuation possible to protect your interests.

If you are facing a divorce involving significant investments and financial accounts, please call us today to discuss your situation and the legal solutions we can provide. Contact our Indianapolis office at 317-669-9134 or toll free at 317-669-9134 .

Thorough And Knowledgeable Division Of Investments In Divorce

Decades of experience have made our lawyers highly qualified to work with complex investment portfolios, retirement accounts (including Public Employees’ Retirement Funds or PERFs), stock grants, stock options, savings accounts, 401(k)s, pensions, IRAs, money market accounts, bank accounts, real estate and shareholder matters. We also provide knowledgeable guidance regarding tax considerations that can significantly impact the amount you receive from the division.

We work with some of the top appraisers, forensic accountants and financial professionals in the area to uncover all investments, hidden assets and accounts. Our team works with these financial professionals to handle the information and to create a strategic approach to characterizing, valuing and dividing these assets.

Each individual’s or couple’s investment portfolio is unique, and not every investment is equal, or divided the same as others. Given our experience and the close work we do with financial professionals, we are equipped to handle and divide any investments you may have, protecting your interests and guarding against hidden assets or other efforts to withhold assets from the division.

Call us today at 317-669-9134 or toll free at 317-669-9134 .